Foster Care Visitation Agreement, SFN 1537 624-05-30-25
Purpose and Use of SFN 1537 624-05-30-25-05
(Revised 2/10/07 ML #3053)
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SFN 1537 is prepared and implemented to provide a uniform and consistent program for visitation. This will allow parents and foster children to maximize their time together. As it is the intention of foster care to reunite the family whenever possible, the very importance of good, productive visits is recognized. The importance makes it absolutely necessary to schedule this valuable time into the foster care plan. This agreement will allow for the foster home routine, the social life of the child, and the parental visits to work in harmony and in the interest of ALL parties.
Unless mutually agreed upon by all parties involved, visits should not disrupt the planned activities of the foster home, school process (including extra curricular activities, sports or youth organizations) and/or religious activities of the foster child.
This agreement is entered into by all parties, and failure to comply with this agreement shall give cause to review this agreement which may require action to limit and/or discontinue visits in the future.